Birth control pills

If you take birth control pills or plan to start one, you might be concerned about the risk of blood clots.But do birth control pills really cause blood clots?If so, what is the impact?

As many women were asking themselves these questions, we decided to dedicate this article to answer this question.We reviewed medical research on the topic of birth control pills and blood clots.Let’s analyze what the research says.

Before we get into the full analysis, let’s cover the basics of birth control pills and blood clots.

Birth control pills are a type of hormonal contraceptive that contain female hormones to prevent pregnancy.

They can work by preventing the release of an egg (ovulation) or by thickening the cervical mucus which prevents sperm from entering the cervix and meeting the egg.These pills can also modify the uterine lining to prevent implantation.

There are two main types of pills: combination pills and mini pills.

The combined oral contraceptive pill contains both estrogen andprogestérone, alors que la mini-pilule n’a queprogestérone .

The doses of these hormones can also differ between different types of pills.

Normally, your blood circulates well without forming a clot.Blood clots usually form when you hurt yourself.They save lives because they stop bleeding.However, when these clots block a blood vessel supplying the heart, brain or other organs, it can be dangerous and cause heart attacks or strokes.

So how does a clot form?

A damaged blood vessel releases chemicals that attract platelets (a type of blood cell) to the site of injury.These platelets block the damaged part of the blood vessel to prevent bleeding.

Additionally, the waxy cholesterol plaques that form in the blood vessels can also trigger clots to form when the plaque breaks open.In most cases, a stroke or heart attack occurs when a plaque suddenly bursts in these organs.

Finally, blood clots can also form if the blood flow is abnormal.If blood collects in your heart or blood vessels, the platelets may stick together, causing clots to form.Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and atrial fibrillation are two common disorders that cause clots to form due to slow blood flow.

Les pilules contraceptives provoquent-elles des caillots sanguins ?

Now that we have a better understanding of blood clots and birth control pills, let’s take a look at what medical studies have concluded about whether birth control pills cause or are linked to blood clots.

The simple answer to the question is that certain birth pills may increase the risk of a blood clot in some women.

The risk of blood clots from birth pills is low

However, it is essential to know that the risk of a blood clot in birth pill users is very low.Research shows that 1 in 3,000 women would get a blood clot once a year.

And this risk is greater with pills containing estrogen.Although estrogen cannot cause blood to clot, it does increase the tendency for clots to form.

Research also shows that pills containingprogestéroneare not likely to increase the risk of blood clots.Only very high doses ofprogestéronecan cause blood clots, which is not the case with oral contraceptive pills.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has suggested that pills containing drospirenone may triple the risk of blood clots.

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A 2015 study suggests that six out of 10,000 women taking combined birth control pills get blood clots.

Studies also suggest that the incidence of blood clots with third and fourth generation pills is higher.Some new generation pills include Yasmin, Beyaz and Yaz

In addition, the risk is more in a woman:

In the early stages, there may be no symptoms.When present, common symptoms include:

Tenderness or redness in part of the leg

If the clot breaks away from the DVT site and reaches the chest, it can cause shortness of breath, coughing, chest pain and fainting

Although some birth control pills can cause blood clots, the risk is really small.For example, only six out of 10,000 women taking oral contraceptive pills have had blood clots in a year.And the incidence is higher with the third and fourth generation pills.

Cependant, l’incidence avecprogestérone- only pills is almost negligible.And so, women with a higher risk of blood clots are usually put on theprogestérone- only pill.

If you’re unsure or have any concerns, it’s best to talk to your doctor about the right option for you.

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